Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

manfaat madu

Madu adalah makanan yang mengandung aneka zat gizi seperti karbohidrat , protein , asam amino, vitamin, mineral, dekstrin , pigmen tumbuhan dan komponen Aromatik. Bahkan dari hasil penelitian ahli Gizi dan pangan, madu mengandung karbohidrat yang paling tinggi diantara produk ternak lainnya susu, telur, daging, keju dan menterga sekitar (82,3% lebih tinggi) Setiap 100 gram madu murni bernilai 294 kalori atau perbandingan 1000 gram madu murni setara dengan 50 butir telur ayam atau 5,675 liter susu atau 1680 gram daging. Dari hasil penelitian terbaru ternyata zat-zat atau senyawa yang ada didalam madu sangat komplek yaitu mencapai 181 jenis .

Manfaat madu telah dikenal sejak jaman Mesir Kuno . Bahkan Ratu Cleopatra telah menggunakan untuk merawat kesehatan dan kecantikannya. Selain itu juga madu dipergunakan untuk ramuan pembalseman ( embalming ) untuk mengawetkan Mummi Raja-raja Mesir Kuno. Tradisi orang Jepang adalah meminum madu setiap malam agar bangun tidur dalam keadaan segar dan sehat. Nah lho, banyak toh manfaat madu?

Salah satu keunikan madu adalah karena madu mengandung zat antibiotik . Hal itu hasil penelitian Peter C Molan ( 1992 ), peneliti dari Departement of Biological Sciences, University of Waikoto , Selandia Baru. Menurutnya Madu terbukti mengandung zat antibiotik yang aktif melawan serangan berbagai kuman patogen penyebab penyakit. Hmm, makin keren aja nih manfaat madu? mau tau manfaat madu lainnya? lanjut yah bacanya… ntar jangan lupa di share jg y artikel ini :)

Manfaat Madu Untuk Kecantikan

  1. Manfaat Madu sebagai Masker Madu: Oleskan madu murni pada wajah Anda dan biarkan selama kira-kira 15 menit, hingga mongering. Setelah kering, basuhlah wajah Anda dengan air hangat.
  2. Manfaat Madu Untuk Kulit Berkilau: Untuk melembabkan, melembutkan dan membuat kulit berkilau, bawa serta sebotol madu saat Anda mandi. Oleskan ke kulit dan tepuk-tepuk dengan kedua tangan hingga mengering. Sementara menepuk-nempuk kulit, madu akan lengket di kulit Anda. Basuhlah bekas madu yang lengket tersebut setelah Anda selesai. Dan Anda bisa menikmati hasilnya dengan kulit yang nampak cantik nan cerah!!!
  3. Mandi Madu: Untuk mendapatkan aroma yang manis dan kulit lembut, tambahkan ¼ hingga ½ cangkir madu di air mandi Anda.
  4. Manfaat Madu sebagai Scrub Madu: Campurkan 1 sendok teh madu dengan seikit tepung almond ke telapak tangan Anda. Gosokan perlahan ke wajah sebagai scrub wajah. Lalu basuh wajah Anda dengan air hangat untuk mengangkat madu.
  5. Manfaat Madu sebagai Pembersih Wajah Setiap Hari: Campurkan 1 sendok makan madu dengan sedikit susu bubuk di telapak tangan. Oleskan di wajah untuk membersihkan semua kotoran dan make-up, dan lalu basuh hingga bersih dengan air hangat.
  6. Manfaat Madu agar Rambut Berkilau: Untuk membuat rambut Anda berkilau, campurkan 1 sendok makan madu, perasan satu jeruk nipis, dan sedikit air hangat. Bilas rambut Anda dengan shampo seperti biasa dan lalu tuangkan campuran tadi pada rambut. Keringkan rambut dengan cara biasa.
  7. Manfaat Madu sebagai Conditioner Rambut: Untuk menjaga kesehatan rambut dan kulit kepala, campurkan ½ cangkir madu dan satu sendok malan minyak zaitun. Oleskan merata ke rambut dan kulit kepala, lalu ambil penutup rambut dan biarkan selama 30 menit dalam keadaan tertutup. Setelah 30 menit, keramasi dengan shampo dan bilas rambut Anda seperti biasa.
  8. Toner Kulit: Untuk mengencangkan, melembutkan dan melembabkan kulit, campurkan 1 buah kulit jeruk ditambah satu sendok makan madu dalam blender hingga halus. Gosokan perlahan campuran madu tadi ke wajah dan biarkan selama 15 menit. Lalu basuh wajah Anda dengan air hangat untuk membersihkan campuran tadi.

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011


Basically, group membership can change individual behavior (Tedeschi & Lindskold, 1976), the influence of this group can make members do things - things in the organization that will not do if their own. Membership of this group can also affect the behavior of its members when no other members around them. The effect of this behavior is very large, especially in those who have a high sense of togetherness. Direction which he passes is largely dependent of norms - norms that exist within the group (Jewell, LN; Siegall M, 1990).

Cohesiveness of the group

Cohesiveness of the group refers to the extent to which group members are attracted to each other and feel part of the group. In high kohesivitasnya groups, each group member has a high commitment to maintain the group. Groups - groups that differ in terms kohesivitasnya, and many never reach the level of the group that has a certain charm and commitment that are characteristic of a compactness greater . Kekompakan growing especially in groups that are relatively small and the organizations that have cooperation more than competition (Jewel & Reitz, 1981). The opportunity for interaction among its members more often foster group cohesiveness.
There is a greater cohesiveness in the group that have more similar attitudes, opinions, values ​​and behavior among its members (Cartwright, 1968). At the early stages of group development level the slope is reduced likelihood of conflict that can split the group fraction - the fraction is less than or destroy it altogether. Differences in perceptions about their own group and other groups described in the study of relationships between groups within a large company (Alderfer and Smith, 1982). Opinions about the purpose and value of the two groups viewed the organization of its own members and from members of other groups are shown in Scheme 1. There is a similar perception of the members in each - each group and differences in perception with the perceptions of other group members.

Despite the differences in racial composition between the two groups in the study of Alderfer and Smith may increase the differences of perception, but it should be noted that both groups have much in common. All members of both groups were employees of the same organization, and all have the same degree in organizational management hierarchy.Norms - norms are unwritten standards of behavior, values ​​and attitudes that grew out of interactions between groups. The higher the sense of togetherness of a group, the stronger the norm - the norm, and are more likely to force the individual to follow group norms (Kiesler & Kiesler, 1969, in, Jewell, LN; Siegall M, 1990).

Norma - Norma in Organizational Groups

One meaning is a large group of organizations and has norms - norms that affect the behavior of its members. Norma is a strong organizational culture. But most organizations are too large to be a group that has a high sense of togetherness and most of the norms - norms that strong for employees as individuals come from formal and informal groups are smaller.

The working group who have a high sense of togetherness, this standard may be equally strong (or even more) of the rules of work organization. Adjustments to members of the group norm is part of the price to be paid as a result of their acceptance into the group (Jewell, LN; Siegall M, 1990).

sumber : http://zainalfpdp2.wordpress.com dan http://imadiklus.com

In the social organization of course each - each has its own functions and roles with each other where there is mutual linkages and mutual support. Here there is no term number one, boss, follower and suportdinate, but all of them are leaders in accordance with the functions and peranya respectively - each. Leadership in social organization that is more suitable is it parallel to each - each person has the same function towards achieving the vision and mission of the organization. That is the position of vision and Misilah that underlie the work in the organization.

Of course, effective communication is indispensable in social organization as a function of control and evaluation of achievement of the vision and mission of the organization.Without effective communication barriers organization will experience obstacles to the achievement of the vision that has been proclaimed. And cooperation as well diperlulkan each field to run the organization and avoid the limitations - limitations that exist in oraganisasi.

Each person in the social organization seyogyannya consider himself as a leader.Creators of the heap on Growth and Learning (pengagas development and learning). So that each - each person in the organization did not consider himself as identical premises supordinate only direct report or yesman term.

Every person in the social organization has tasks and responsibilities that must be run professionally and have a policy - a policy that remains independent with reference to the rules - rules that the organization has been established. so there is no sense of fear to be independent in policy in the social organization for each - each field applying parallel leadership to the achievement of the vision and mission.

Parallel model of leadership that is expected to be able to boost loyalty and belonging respectively - each person in the organization because of the clarity of tasks and responsibilities dimasing - each system. Each system will work and fight for the task - a task that has been created and established along with wewenangya heed to move freely for the sake of achieving the vision and mission.

When people - people in the organizationaaa only menjalanka tasks - tasks that are top-down that run only in accordance with agreed upon by not heeding the authority-the authority to take policy when issues - issues arising and progress in carrying out the task - the task of the organization then this will inhibit creativity members which would hinder the achievement of the vision and mission of the organization.

In accelerating the achievement of vision and mission of the organization is required organsasi member loyalty really militant. which achievement of the team that militants will only be able to be achieved by eliminating the individualism and selfishness. because of selfishness and individualism will be the cause of the gaps in an organization that will ultimately reduce the loyalty of members, while also still heed human rights as an individual creature.

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

Resiko Memakan Pisang Bagi Gadis

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Sebagai wanita lajang, tentu banyak aturan dan mitos yang selalu ada di sekitar kehidupan kita. Namun, beberapa mitos, ternyata memang bisa dibuktikan secara ilmiah. Itulah sebabnya pelarangan tersebut memang seharusnya dipatuhi.

Larangan makan buah pisang ambon bagi seorang yang masih gadis misalnya. Pakar gizi Prof Ir Ahmad Sulaeman MS PhD, dalam perbincangan ringannya dengan Republika, menjelaskan alasan ilmiah dibalik pelarangan ini. “Pisang ambon itu punya zat yang membuat libido tinggi,” ujarnya.

Jika terlalu banyak mengonsumsi pisang ambon, bagi seorang gadis, akan berbahaya, karena libidonya akan naik. Padahal statusnya masih gadis, sehingga tak bisa menyalurkan hasrat seksualnya. "Jika sudah menikah, libido tinggi tak akan menjadi masalah, namun ketika masih gadis, ini menjdi problem tersendiri. Jadi lebih baik kurangi saja," ujarnya.